Events Gallery
Faith and Play; Summer 2024 Our young parishioners gather and grow in their faith by listening to a story and doing fun-filled activities related to it. We had such a blast this summer and want to thank all our young families for participating! See pictures to the left from one of our indoor sessions where we learned about the parable of the lost sheep and our theme, "God Loves Us". |
The Blessing of Father Stephen's New Car
On July 17, after the 9 o'clock mass, we processed outside to bless Father Stephen's new car. Thank you to Monsignor Moran and Father Stephen for carrying out this blessing and thank you to the parishioners who joined in support.
On July 17, after the 9 o'clock mass, we processed outside to bless Father Stephen's new car. Thank you to Monsignor Moran and Father Stephen for carrying out this blessing and thank you to the parishioners who joined in support.
Hot Dog Sunday
Thank you to all who attended Hot Dog Sunday on July 7, 2024, as well as a special thank you to all our volunteers who made this event possible. Check out our images below!
Thank you to all who attended Hot Dog Sunday on July 7, 2024, as well as a special thank you to all our volunteers who made this event possible. Check out our images below!
May Procession 2024

Children who received the Sacrament of First Communion returned to Family Mass
on Sunday, May 12, 2024. At the closure of mass, the children, dressed in
their communion garb, processed outside for the crowning of the Blessed Mary in our
garden. Thank you to all who attended this fabulous event supporting
our new communicants!
on Sunday, May 12, 2024. At the closure of mass, the children, dressed in
their communion garb, processed outside for the crowning of the Blessed Mary in our
garden. Thank you to all who attended this fabulous event supporting
our new communicants!
First Communion 2024
On May 11, 2024, our young parishioners celebrated the Sacrament of First Communion with Monsignor Moran and Reverend Stephen. We appreciate all the love from our 2nd grade families in supporting their Communicants through their first time receiving the Holy Eucharist.
Christmas Fair and Living Nativity 2023
Confirmation 2023
November 5
Pancake Breakfast 2023
Marblehead's Spring Celebration

Saturday, May 13, 2023
Our Lady Star of the Sea participated in Marblehead’s town wide “Spring Celebration” on Saturday, May 13. Parishioners volunteered to give tours of our Church and served delicious cookies and refreshments during the tours. We are so grateful to all of our volunteers who gave such a cheery ‘welcome’ to our community.
Our Lady Star of the Sea participated in Marblehead’s town wide “Spring Celebration” on Saturday, May 13. Parishioners volunteered to give tours of our Church and served delicious cookies and refreshments during the tours. We are so grateful to all of our volunteers who gave such a cheery ‘welcome’ to our community.
Parish Altar Society

Our Parish Altar Society is a group of parishioners who volunteer their service to the Church, whose mission is to ensure that the environment of our Church is reflective of the dedication and respect we have for our faith. They maintain an environment that is welcoming and peaceful for all who enter.
Wednesday Coffee Hour at the Rectory

Every Wednesday following the 9:00am Mass, parishioners gather in the Rectory at approximately 10:00am to share conversation and coffee. Whether you are new to our parish or a regular member, all are welcome to join us after Mass on Wednesdays to connect with fellow parishioners for coffee and breakfast. It is in the "pot luck" style, and parishioners bring the goodies. Each week has a different flavor!
May Procession 2023

Sunday, May 14, 2023
On Sunday, May 14, Mother’s Day, First Communion students returned for the 9:00 a.m. Mass to honor our Blessed Mother Mary in the May procession. At the conclusion of Mass, our First Communicants led us in procession from the Church to the statue of the Blessed Mother in the Grotto for the annual crowning. First Communicant Sara Droste, accompanied by her mother, Claudia Droste, placed a crown of fresh flowers on the Blessed Mother. What a beautiful ceremony!
On Sunday, May 14, Mother’s Day, First Communion students returned for the 9:00 a.m. Mass to honor our Blessed Mother Mary in the May procession. At the conclusion of Mass, our First Communicants led us in procession from the Church to the statue of the Blessed Mother in the Grotto for the annual crowning. First Communicant Sara Droste, accompanied by her mother, Claudia Droste, placed a crown of fresh flowers on the Blessed Mother. What a beautiful ceremony!
First Communion 2023

Saturday, May 13, 2023
Monsignor Moran and Deacon Joe celebrated First Holy Communion at special Masses on Saturday, May 13, 2023 at 10:30am and 12:30pm. We sincerely thank our Grade 2 Catechists and families for their love and support in preparing our Communicants to receive the Holy Eucharist.
Monsignor Moran and Deacon Joe celebrated First Holy Communion at special Masses on Saturday, May 13, 2023 at 10:30am and 12:30pm. We sincerely thank our Grade 2 Catechists and families for their love and support in preparing our Communicants to receive the Holy Eucharist.
First Communion Retreat 2023

Saturday, May 6, 2023
At the May 6 First Communion Retreat, each child made a banner that he/she carried in for their First Communion Celebration, and displayed the banners on their family's designated pew.
At the May 6 First Communion Retreat, each child made a banner that he/she carried in for their First Communion Celebration, and displayed the banners on their family's designated pew.
Lenten Season: Soup & Stations of the Cross

March 2023
Every Friday during Lent, our Church commemorates Jesus Christ's last day on earth with Stations of the Cross -- a Catholic devotion that retraces Christ's final, solemn moments. Parishioners were invited to a simple supper of soup and bread following Stations of the Cross on three Fridays in March. Each supper was generously sponsored by our various Ministry teams: the Creation Care Team, the Rosary Group, and the Emergency Meals Team.
We are so thankful to our amazing Ministry teams, and thankful to all who were able to join us for these pleasant suppers.
Every Friday during Lent, our Church commemorates Jesus Christ's last day on earth with Stations of the Cross -- a Catholic devotion that retraces Christ's final, solemn moments. Parishioners were invited to a simple supper of soup and bread following Stations of the Cross on three Fridays in March. Each supper was generously sponsored by our various Ministry teams: the Creation Care Team, the Rosary Group, and the Emergency Meals Team.
We are so thankful to our amazing Ministry teams, and thankful to all who were able to join us for these pleasant suppers.
St. Joseph's Day
St. Patrick's Day Celebration
Lenten Meals Cooking: Demonstration & Tasting
Sunday, February 12, 2023
Our Creation Care Team sponsored our second annual “Lenten Meals Cooking Demonstration & Tasting” in preparation for Lenten cooking. Holly Willsey-Walker showed parishioners how Lenten meals can have a new flavorful look. Topics covered were: shopping and preparing food for “greener” cooking, how to compost food, and what to do with leftovers. Some of the delicious, eco-friendly samples of dishes were: salmon, imitation crab cakes, and quiche. If you would like a copy of the recipes, or for more tips on how to start ecologically-minded cooking, please reach out to Holly at [email protected] or visit |
"Faith & Play"

Monday, January 9, 2023
On January 9, the children made a fun craft after learning about the three Kings! "Faith and Play" is a time for our youngest parishioners (aged Baby to 5 Years) to gather to grow in their faith. Each month, we gather for story time, play time, an activity, and snacks. Summer sessions are held outdoors next to the koi fish pond, and fall/winter/spring sessions are held indoors in the Parish Center. RSVP for our next session to Jaclyne Ainlay at [email protected].
On January 9, the children made a fun craft after learning about the three Kings! "Faith and Play" is a time for our youngest parishioners (aged Baby to 5 Years) to gather to grow in their faith. Each month, we gather for story time, play time, an activity, and snacks. Summer sessions are held outdoors next to the koi fish pond, and fall/winter/spring sessions are held indoors in the Parish Center. RSVP for our next session to Jaclyne Ainlay at [email protected].
Christmas Fair and Living Nativity 2022
Saturday, December 3, 2022
We are so grateful to all who helped make this year's Christmas Fair and Living Nativity a marvelous success! A big shout out to these local businesses for their contributions of gift cards for our raffles: SHUBIE'S Marketplace, The Beacon Restaurant & Bar, The Landing, Mission on the Bay, Woodstock Inn & Resort of Vermont, Salem Waterfront Hotel & Suites, and The Beauport Hotel of Gloucester. Our most sincere gratitude goes to Enchanted Animals for providing the animals for our Living Nativity, children in Religious Education who brought to life our Nativity scene, Religious Education parents for their gift basket donations, the High School singers who regaled us with Christmas carols, Stowaway Sweets and The Quigley Family for their contributions of tasty treats, SHUBIE'S for donating delicious New England Clam Chowder, Peter Lynch and the Kulevich Family for their donations of New England Patriots Tickets, James Maroney (Production Manager at Marblehead TV), all of our Christmas Fair coordinators (Peter Fallon, Linda Newall, Judy Arnold, Elaine Leahy, Janet Coppola, Fay Peltier, Jacqui Corona & Marylyn Kusek), and our very own Marblehead Fire Chief Jason Gilliland who dressed up as Santa! Most especially, we thank each and every individual volunteer for their generous donation of time and talents, as well as those who made anonymous donations to our Parish Christmas Fair. An extra special thank you goes to Monsignor Moran, Mitch, and Jon, as well as all the staff at Our Lady Star of the Sea. |
The Feast of Thanksgiving

Thursday, November 24, 2022
We celebrated the Feast of Thanksgiving at Mass on Thanksgiving morning. All attendees received a small loaf of fresh bread as a gift. We hope you and your loved ones had a bountiful Thanksgiving celebration.
We celebrated the Feast of Thanksgiving at Mass on Thanksgiving morning. All attendees received a small loaf of fresh bread as a gift. We hope you and your loved ones had a bountiful Thanksgiving celebration.

Sunday, November 20, 2022
On Sunday, November 20, we celebrated the Sacrament of Confirmation at Our Lady, Star of the Sea. Congratulations to these Confirmation recipients for fulfilling the requirements of their Religious Education program, and for receiving the full outpouring of the Holy Spirit. This is a moment to cherish, as it is one which deepens baptismal grace and unifies them more firmly to Christ. May the gifts of the Holy Spirit make indelible, wonderous marks on our newly Confirmed and help them learn to use God's gifts in their everyday lives. We also thank Monsignor Moran, who celebrated this sacrament.
On Sunday, November 20, we celebrated the Sacrament of Confirmation at Our Lady, Star of the Sea. Congratulations to these Confirmation recipients for fulfilling the requirements of their Religious Education program, and for receiving the full outpouring of the Holy Spirit. This is a moment to cherish, as it is one which deepens baptismal grace and unifies them more firmly to Christ. May the gifts of the Holy Spirit make indelible, wonderous marks on our newly Confirmed and help them learn to use God's gifts in their everyday lives. We also thank Monsignor Moran, who celebrated this sacrament.
"Cupcake Wars"

Sunday, November 6, 2022
Children and teens of the Parish baked religious-themed cupcakes based on their favorite Bible story or hero, holiday or Saint. Check out their creative ideas! Winners & prizes for "Most Creative" and "People's Choice" were grouped by grade. Which one is your favorite?
Children and teens of the Parish baked religious-themed cupcakes based on their favorite Bible story or hero, holiday or Saint. Check out their creative ideas! Winners & prizes for "Most Creative" and "People's Choice" were grouped by grade. Which one is your favorite?
All Saints Day Mass

Sunday, October 30, 2022
The youth of our Parish in grades K - 2 had a memorable time participating in the All Saints' Mass, where they dressed up as their favorite Saint at the 9:00am Family Mass on Sunday, October 30.
The youth of our Parish in grades K - 2 had a memorable time participating in the All Saints' Mass, where they dressed up as their favorite Saint at the 9:00am Family Mass on Sunday, October 30.
Wonderfull World Women's Retreat

Saturday, October 15, 2022
On Saturday, October 15, women of the Parish participated in a WonderFULL World Retreat to relax and recharge their faith and friendships. This travel-themed retreat was a daylong event to discover the depth of God’s love, strength and compassion through a variety of activities, discussions, quiet reflections, Christian Service and more. Breakfast muffins, coffee/tea and lunch were included, as well as a variety of ethnic dishes. Thanks to the Women's Retreat attendees and their act of Christian service, we were able to deliver blankets that were made at the Retreat to Friends of the Unborn. The staff and moms were so grateful! Thank you to all!
On Saturday, October 15, women of the Parish participated in a WonderFULL World Retreat to relax and recharge their faith and friendships. This travel-themed retreat was a daylong event to discover the depth of God’s love, strength and compassion through a variety of activities, discussions, quiet reflections, Christian Service and more. Breakfast muffins, coffee/tea and lunch were included, as well as a variety of ethnic dishes. Thanks to the Women's Retreat attendees and their act of Christian service, we were able to deliver blankets that were made at the Retreat to Friends of the Unborn. The staff and moms were so grateful! Thank you to all!
Pancake Breakfast

Sunday, October 23, 2022
Parishioners came together to enjoy a delicious Pancake Breakfast on Sunday, October 23, following the 9:00AM Mass. Our talented chefs prepared spectacular pancakes with blueberries, chocolate chips, or vanilla. We are so grateful to parishioners Ben and Jen LaBrecque for coordinating this event!
Parishioners came together to enjoy a delicious Pancake Breakfast on Sunday, October 23, following the 9:00AM Mass. Our talented chefs prepared spectacular pancakes with blueberries, chocolate chips, or vanilla. We are so grateful to parishioners Ben and Jen LaBrecque for coordinating this event!
"Faith & Play"

Monday, October 17, 2022
"Faith and Play" is a time for our youngest parishioners (aged Baby to 5 Years) to gather to grow in their faith. Each month, we gather for story time, play time, an activity, and snacks. Our summer sessions are held outdoors next to the koi fish pond, and fall/winter sessions are held indoors in the Parish Center. Our October session was so much fun! Don't forget to RSVP for our next session on Monday, November 14, so we can make sure to have enough materials and snacks. Send your RSVP and questions about this event to Jaclyne Ainlay at [email protected] or Elaine at [email protected].
"Faith and Play" is a time for our youngest parishioners (aged Baby to 5 Years) to gather to grow in their faith. Each month, we gather for story time, play time, an activity, and snacks. Our summer sessions are held outdoors next to the koi fish pond, and fall/winter sessions are held indoors in the Parish Center. Our October session was so much fun! Don't forget to RSVP for our next session on Monday, November 14, so we can make sure to have enough materials and snacks. Send your RSVP and questions about this event to Jaclyne Ainlay at [email protected] or Elaine at [email protected].
Blessing of Backpacks

Saturday, September 3 & Sunday September 4, 2022
Young parishioners brought their backpacks to church to have them blessed, after weekend Masses on September 3rd & 4th. What a great way to start off the new school year!
Young parishioners brought their backpacks to church to have them blessed, after weekend Masses on September 3rd & 4th. What a great way to start off the new school year!
Creation Care Team: Making Lunches for My Brother's Table

Sunday, August 14, 2022
In response to the “cry of the poor” from the Vatican's Laudato Si Action Platform, the Creation Care Team invited parishioners to help make brown-bag lunches for My Brother’s Table on Sunday, Aug. 14 after the 9am Mass. We met in the Parish Center Hall and made sandwiches and bag the lunches. Kids were also welcome, and they lent their artistic talents by coloring the bags or writing notes. Thank you to all who donated their time and goods for this important cause!
In response to the “cry of the poor” from the Vatican's Laudato Si Action Platform, the Creation Care Team invited parishioners to help make brown-bag lunches for My Brother’s Table on Sunday, Aug. 14 after the 9am Mass. We met in the Parish Center Hall and made sandwiches and bag the lunches. Kids were also welcome, and they lent their artistic talents by coloring the bags or writing notes. Thank you to all who donated their time and goods for this important cause!
"Faith & Play"

Tuesday, August 9, 2022
"Faith and Play" is a special gathering for our youngest parishioners (aged Baby to 5 Years) to learn and grow in their faith in a fun environment. Our second session was held indoors in our Parish Center Hall due to warm weather. We had a marvelous time with faith-filled stories, play time, an activity, and snacks.
"Faith and Play" is a special gathering for our youngest parishioners (aged Baby to 5 Years) to learn and grow in their faith in a fun environment. Our second session was held indoors in our Parish Center Hall due to warm weather. We had a marvelous time with faith-filled stories, play time, an activity, and snacks.
Vacation Bible School 2022

Monday, July 25 - Friday, July 29, 2022
We embarked on a MONUMENTAL journey at this year's Vacation Bible Week! This year's Bible School adventure helped the youth to build friendships while learning and sharing their faith. They played indoor and outdoor games, sang songs in praise of God, experienced the monumental greatness of God, and helped to form a rock-solid faith for the road ahead. A special thank you to Monsignor Moran, Elaine (VBS Director), Mitch and Jon, our numerous camp volunteers, and all participants.
We embarked on a MONUMENTAL journey at this year's Vacation Bible Week! This year's Bible School adventure helped the youth to build friendships while learning and sharing their faith. They played indoor and outdoor games, sang songs in praise of God, experienced the monumental greatness of God, and helped to form a rock-solid faith for the road ahead. A special thank you to Monsignor Moran, Elaine (VBS Director), Mitch and Jon, our numerous camp volunteers, and all participants.
"Faith & Play"

Tuesday, July 12, 2022
"Faith and Play" is a time for our youngest parishioners (aged Baby to 5 Years) to gather to grow in their faith. We had an amazing turn-out for our first session on July 12, where we gathered in the grassy area next to the koi fishpond for story time, play time, an activity, and snacks.
"Faith and Play" is a time for our youngest parishioners (aged Baby to 5 Years) to gather to grow in their faith. We had an amazing turn-out for our first session on July 12, where we gathered in the grassy area next to the koi fishpond for story time, play time, an activity, and snacks.
Hot Dog Sunday

Sunday, June 26, 2022
On June 26, we gathered for our annual Hot Dog Sunday. We enjoyed the pleasant summer afternoon together, with parishioners and friends alike. We are so glad so many could join us, and we are so thankful for such a wonderful team of dedicated volunteers who baked exquisite homemade pies, grilled savory Hot Dogs, managed the refreshment and condiment tables, and helped set up and clean up. Thank you!
On June 26, we gathered for our annual Hot Dog Sunday. We enjoyed the pleasant summer afternoon together, with parishioners and friends alike. We are so glad so many could join us, and we are so thankful for such a wonderful team of dedicated volunteers who baked exquisite homemade pies, grilled savory Hot Dogs, managed the refreshment and condiment tables, and helped set up and clean up. Thank you!
First Communion

Saturday, May 7, 2022
We celebrated First Holy Communion on Saturday May 7, 2022. On Sunday, May 8, Mother's Day, our First Communicants returned for the May Procession, and crowned the Blessed Mother in the Grotto. We sincerely thank our families for their love and support in preparing our Communicants to receive the Holy Eucharist.
We celebrated First Holy Communion on Saturday May 7, 2022. On Sunday, May 8, Mother's Day, our First Communicants returned for the May Procession, and crowned the Blessed Mother in the Grotto. We sincerely thank our families for their love and support in preparing our Communicants to receive the Holy Eucharist.

First Communion
Sunday, May 15, 2022
We celebrated First Holy Communion on Sunday May 15, 2022. We thank Monsignor Moran, Father Kelleher, and Deacon Joe. We also thank parents and families of our First Communicants, for preparing these young students for this momentous occasion.
Sunday, May 15, 2022
We celebrated First Holy Communion on Sunday May 15, 2022. We thank Monsignor Moran, Father Kelleher, and Deacon Joe. We also thank parents and families of our First Communicants, for preparing these young students for this momentous occasion.
Deacon John E. "Joe" Whipple: Celebrating 25 Years of His Ordination to the DiaconateSunday, September 12, 2021
Senior Deacon John "Joe" Whipple celebrated his 25th Anniversary of his ordination to the Diaconate on Tuesday, September 14, 2021. We held a celebratory reception in the Rose Garden on Sunday, September 12, 2021. Thank you to all our parishioners who took photographs of this event, and thank you to all who were able to attend this lovely reception to honor Deacon Joe's 25th Anniversary. We sincerely thank Deacon Joe for his service and commitment to the people of Our Lady, Star of the Sea. |
Vacation Bible SchoolMonday, July 26 - Friday, July 30
We held Vacation Bible School at Our Lady Star of the Sea's Parish Center in July 2021. Children ages 4-12 had an exciting time, and we are so thrilled to have been part of your summer! We thank our staff and all of our faithful volunteers for their generous offering of time and talent. A special thank you to Pat Bachelder (VBS Coordinator), Holly Wilsey-Walker, Robert “Mitch” Mitchell (Building Manager), and Jon Johnston, for going above and beyond for Vacation Bible Week 2021. We also thank the amazing, enthusiastic children who attended, and a big thank you to parents and families. Please note that "Silly Section" of the VBS photos have been edited for entertainment purposes only. |
Sunday, January 10 and Saturday, January 23, 2021
On Sunday, January 10 and Saturday, January 23, 2021, we celebrated the Sacrament of Confirmation. We thank Monsignor Moran for celebrating this sacrament with us. Congratulations to our Confirmation recipients who fulfilled the requirements of their Religious Education program. |
Blessing of PetsSunday, October 4, 2020
On Sunday, October 4, we gathered in the Rose Garden for our second annual Blessing of Pets in celebration of Saint Francis of Assisi, Patron Saint of Animals. Thank you to Monsignor Moran and all who brought their pets for blessing. This blessing is more than just a reminder to love and nurture our furry friends—it is an invitation to imitate God's love for us in our care for the animals. Just as our Father in heaven remembered Noah and all the animals with him in the ark, we give thanks and praise to our Creator for giving us companionship, protection, and joy in our homes and in our world. |
St. Joseph's Day Birdhouse BuildingSunday, March 8, 2020
We had a wonderful turn-out on Sunday, March 8, at a special event held by Religious Education in honor of St. Joseph’s Day (March 19). Fathers, grandfathers, and male caregivers gathered to build birdhouses with their children, just as St. Joseph spent time working with his hands in carpentry with young Jesus. Thank you to all who were able to join us. Generations of families built and decorated birdhouses, and built lifelong memories together! |
Children's Christmas Pageant 2019Tuesday, December 24, 2019
On Christmas Eve 2019, our Religious Education students gloriously reenacted the birth of Jesus Christ in a Christmas Pageant at our 4:00pm Family Liturgy in the Parish Center, which was celebrated by Father Coyne. Many children participated in the Christmas pageant in front of a huge crowd of parishioners and friends, and the beautiful music and Christmas decorations accompanied the Mass. We wish to thank everyone who graciously gave their time and talents into making this special pageant one to remember. We also wish to thank our parishioners, our family, and our friends who were able to join us in celebrating this Christmas season. |
Christmas Fair 2019Saturday, December 7, 2019
Our Christmas Fair was a joyful success, filled with the Spirit of Christmas! We applaud our parishioners Judy and John Arnold for their devotion and untiring efforts in coordinating our Annual Christmas Fair at Our Lady Star of the Sea Parish. Organizing and overseeing this event is challenging and time-consuming. Their efforts were supported by parish staff and numerous volunteers who support the fair before, during and after the tables are set up and taken down. We thank all of our parishioners and friends who donated in any way to assure our success. We appreciate all those who made the time to come to our Parish Hall to purchase items, have lunch, or just to browse. We welcomed local vendors who added so much to our Fair. It was a very successful undertaking and allows us to build on the wonderful history of our parish by continuing this long-time tradition. |
Animals Go to ReconciliationSunday, December 8, 2019
On Sunday, December 8, our stuffed animals went to "Reconciliation" at the 9:00AM Family Liturgy. Through creative drama, our 2nd Grade students were taught the Sacrament of Reconciliation. This type of pretend-play helps young children to better understand how Reconciliation applies in their own lives. Are you lazy like the turtle? Are you messy like the pig? Do you stick your neck in where it doesn’t belong like the giraffe? The “sins” of each stuffed animal were confessed. Each student received the Sacrament themselves the following week. |
Cupcake WarsSunday, November 17, 2019
We had a spectacular turn-out for Cupcake Wars on Sunday, November 17! Parishioners came out to support the youth of our Parish at this delightful new fundraiser. Students designed their own religious-themed cupcakes to sell in order to raise money for the Religious Education Department. Winners, grouped by grade, were given prizes for "Best Tasting" and "Most Creative." Thank you to all of our volunteers, our judges, and to all who attended and helped support the youth of our Parish. A special thank you to our dedicated Religious Education parents and children for making such interesting and delicious cupcakes. Take a look at some of these clever designs! |
Italian NightSaturday, November 2, 2019
On November 2, we celebrated our Mass of Remembrance in the Church. This special Mass was celebrated to remember all those who were buried from Our Lady, Star of the Sea Parish this past year. At this Mass, their names were read from the altar. We also prayed for our deceased loved ones who have entered into eternal life. Following the Mass of Remembrance was our annual Italian Night, where we feasted Italian favorites. A big Thank You to Ben and Jen LaBrecque, and all of our volunteers, who generously donated their time and resources to make Italian Night a flavorful success! |
Blessing of PetsSunday, October 6, 2019
On Sunday, October 6, we gathered in the Rose Garden for our first annual Blessing of Pets in celebration of Saint Francis of Assisi, Patron Saint of Animals. This event is a beautiful reminder of the care that our Creator gives to us, and the invitation to imitate His love in our care for our furry friends. |
Pancake BreakfastSunday, September 22, 2019
Parishioners drizzled on the maple syrup with smiles of delight during our Pancake Breakfast on Sunday, September 22, following the 9:00AM Mass. Our first-class chefs prepared delicious pancakes to suit every taste: blueberry, chocolate chip, and traditional plain pancakes. Which one is your favorite? |
Hot Dog SundaySunday, June 30, 2019
On June 30 we held our Hot Dog Sunday in the Rose Garden. Our team of dedicated volunteers prepared savory Hot Dogs with delicious toppings, as well as exquisite homemade desserts. This was a very well-attended event, during which very own VBS students delivered a heart-warming surprise for all those present at Hot Dog Sunday: The students sang and danced to their theme song “I’m Trusting You God.” What a delightful afternoon, shared by so many. |
Our Lady Star of the Sea
85 Atlantic Avenue Marblehead, MA 01945 Phone: 781-631-0086 Fax: 781-631-5668 Email: [email protected] Regular Mass Schedule
Saturday Vigil at 4:00pm Sunday at 7:30am, 9:00am, and 11:00am Every Weekday (Monday—Saturday) at 9:00am _______________ Our Lady Star of the Sea Church is open 7 days a week 7:00 A.M. to 7:00 P.M. for individual devotion (Prayer, Adoration, Stations of the Cross, and the Rosary). |